120 Ankai Buses Exported To DRC

120 Ankai Buses Exported To DRC
Recently, 120 Chinese buses purchased by the DRC arrived in Kinshasa, the capital, and will be put into operation there. It is reported that these vehicles are all provided by Ankai Bus, which is the largest order of Chinese buses exported to DRC, demonstrating the steady development of Ankai Bus in the international market, and adding a significant amount of color to the "going to sea" made in China.

At present, all these buses have arrived in DRC, which will effectively solve the travel problems of local students, and provide them with higher safety and better comfort when they travel to and from school. It is understood that in order to better meet the operation requirements of customers, Ankai Bus has fully customized the vehicles after full communication with customers, including adapting to the poor local road conditions and higher temperatures, so that the vehicles can not only ensure product quality and operation safety, but also adapt to the local development level of DRC with higher economy.

In fact, Ankai Bus has entered the DRC market for more than ten years. Over the years, Ankai Bus has been constantly understanding the local market demand and providing transportation services with the most suitable products. Based on years of accumulation and excellent market reputation, Ankai Bus won the largest export order, set a new record for Chinese bus exports to DRC, and demonstrated the style of Chinese manufacturing again.

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