Over 1000 Kinglong Bus Serving The Hangzhou Asian Games

Over 1000 Kinglong Bus Serving The Hangzhou Asian Games

     Recently, the 19th Asian Games was held in Hangzhou. Kinglong has once again become the preferred brand for transportation services at the Hangzhou Asian Games with its outstanding "national car" resume. With over 1000 vehicles providing a national guest level ride experience for athletes, guests, and others, Kinglong is fully committed to the operation of the Asian Games and provides high-quality service guarantees to escort the Asian Games.

Escort the Asian Games with Quality

    The normalized pursuit of high-quality products is the fundamental foundation for Kinglong to establish itself in the industry and market. As one of the vehicles dispatched by Kinglong to provide transportation services for the Asian Games, the Longwei II generation has the title of "China's Super Five Star Safety Bus" and has taken over the Longwei I generation, serving the two games multiple times. During the production period of the "Asian Games version" order vehicles, Kinglong dispatched service engineers to follow up on the production of each batch of orders and provide comprehensive assistance in controlling the vehicle production process.
Adhere to the craftsmanship and quality of the "national car" and sound the call to escort the Asian Games. Protecting the Asian Games with quality is not only proof of Kinglong's product and brand strength, but also its responsibility to provide users with high-quality travel.

Using Technology to Assist the Asian Games

     This Asian Games is the first sports event to incorporate "intelligence" into the concept of hosting events. Kinglong vehicles that provide shuttle services also integrate intelligent services into the transportation services of the entire Asian Games, highlighting China's "technological model".
In response to the Asian Games, Kinglong adopted the latest independently developed Dragon Wing system and relied on Kinglong's smart cloud service platform big data to provide convenient and intelligent connection services for athletes, media, and audiences during the event, bringing a higher quality, intelligent, humanized, and refined Asian Games perception experience.
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Model :According to bus model
Size :According to bus model