Ankai Bus Makes Chinese Manufacturing Famous Around The World

Ankai Bus Makes Chinese Manufacturing Famous Around The World
     According to public data, the export performance of China's passenger car industry in 2023 is exciting, with sales reaching 43,515 units, a year-on-year increase of 43.63%. Among them, Ankai Bus' overall growth rate was 169.33%, and the growth rate of large and medium-sized buses was as high as 203.39%. It ranks in the first echelon of the passenger car export market, showing strong development resilience and potential.
     As a large state-owned enterprise with a strong sense of social responsibility, Ankai Bus has played an important leading role in brand building and industry development, and continues to promote the high-quality development of the bus industry and Made in China. Like a dragon, it has combined the quality and reputation of Made in China Spread to countries around the world.
2023 is the 10th anniversary of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative. With policy support, overseas consumers' understanding and acceptance of Chinese automobile brands have continued to increase. This has ushered in a period of accelerated globalization for Chinese automobile companies. The vast overseas market The market contains huge opportunities.
Looking back on the past year, Ankai buses frequently wore red armor and boarded freighters to travel across the ocean. In March 2023, Ankai's high-end bus A8 was exported to Saudi Arabia on a large scale, attracting widespread attention. In order to cope with the arid tropical desert climate, Ankai has optimized the reliability of export vehicles, the long-term cooling capacity of vehicle air conditioners and powertrains, etc., to bring a more luxurious and comfortable riding experience to the Saudi people. In recent years, Ankai Bus has exported more than 10,000 units to Saudi Arabia, setting a model for China's high-end buses to go global.


     Ankai Bus's success in overseas markets is not an overnight miracle, but the result of foresight and years of planning. In addition to the countries mentioned previously, Ankai Bus has successfully expanded its business to nearly a hundred countries and regions including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Russia, Congo (DRC), New Zealand, South Korea, Kazakhstan, etc. Region, extensive market coverage fully demonstrates Ankai Bus’s solid foundation in the international market.
Take Saudi Arabia as an example. As one of the first countries to actively respond to the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, Saudi Arabia has always been Ankai Bus’s overseas strategic market. In the past ten years, a large number of high-quality Ankai buses have been continuously shipped to Saudi Arabia, with the cumulative export number exceeding 10,000 units. Today, Ankai Bus has become the leading bus brand in the Saudi market and the preferred brand for public transportation in Saudi Arabia, playing an indispensable role.
     On January 15, 2024, at the beginning of the new year, 50 Ankai buses were officially delivered to the Dominican Republic. The exported vehicles will effectively improve the commuting experience of local students and play an active role in gradually building a complete national student transportation system. , once again promoting Chinese manufacturing to the world, and also making a good start for Ankai Bus’s exports in 2024.
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