BYD Bus Successfully Completed High Temperature Extreme Challenge

BYD Bus Successfully Completed High Temperature Extreme Challenge
     As "carbon neutrality" gradually becomes a global consensus, the development of new energy vehicles is accelerating, and related technologies are constantly breaking through. The penetration rate of new energy in the commercial vehicle field is also continuously increasing.

     Faced with the increasingly expanding market and user base, the application scenarios and operating conditions of commercial vehicles are undergoing diversified changes. How to meet the diverse needs of users, extreme environmental usage needs, and ensure the performance and safety of vehicles under extreme operating conditions, BYD commercial vehicles have gone from strict control of components to strict testing of the entire vehicle's actual condition, forging ahead and committed to creating high-quality commercial vehicle products!

Starting from June this year, BYD commercial vehicles focused on a global and full scenario market layout, gathering a total of 18 latest research and development models including logistics vehicles, tractors, mixers, waste trucks, buses, tourist buses, and school buses. They successively went to Turpan, Xinjiang, "Huozhou", to conduct the largest high-temperature dry heat test of commercial vehicles in China!
     As a leader in new energy vehicles, BYD also leads China and even the world in the field of commercial vehicles. In 2017, BYD pioneered the "Three High" testing of new energy commercial vehicles, comprehensively evaluating the quality of each vehicle in extreme climate environments, providing protection for safe and green travel.

Actual data shows that the surface temperature in Turpan is close to 80 ℃. In such a harsh environment, BYD's team of commercial vehicle engineers, together with a large fleet, focuses on the real operating conditions and environment of users. Under the conditions of high temperature and extreme heat environment, tests various performance and reliability boundaries of vehicles. Through reliability testing, performance testing, and vehicle high-temperature matching testing, 22 testing projects of vehicles in high temperature and dry heat environment are "baked" on site, including power battery thermal management, high temperature charging efficiency There are over 100 test details for the rapid cooling capacity of air conditioning, maximum driving range, and vehicle energy management.

     Create first-class quality, achieve first-class products, and empower BYD brand value. High temperature testing is an important part of the "three high" testing and a mandatory course before leaving the factory. After two months of high-temperature "baking", all 18 cars have successfully completed various tests, laying a solid foundation for various models to be gradually promoted to various markets around the world.

     Born in high temperatures and ready to take the test in extreme cold, BYD's every new energy commercial vehicle has undergone extreme testing. With a complete research and development system, leading core technology, and strict quality control, it forges high-quality products to meet market inspections with excellent product strength, and delivers green energy to the world.

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