China's First Batch Unique In The Industry Suzhou Kinglong Supercharged Pure Electric Bus Is Officially Put Into Operation In Zhangjiagang

China's first batch Unique in the industry Suzhou kinglong Supercharged Pure Electric Bus is officially put into operation in Zhangjiagang
  Spring is the time of the year. In this season of revival, some daring companies have keenly captured the new pulse of the market and begun to lay out new tracks.
  The official launch ceremony of the titanium powered turbocharged battery passenger car with the theme of "green travel, titanium powered departure" was held in Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province. This event marks the official delivery of the first batch of titanium powered turbocharged passenger cars in the domestic market of Suzhou kinglong, and is also the only passenger car in the industry to receive product announcements. Not only has it achieved a significant breakthrough in the commercial operation of new energy bus pressurization methods, but it also highly affirms the unremitting innovation and continuous construction of new productivity of Suzhou kinglong Haige Bus, opening a new chapter in urban green transportation.
  Take the lead in innovation and create a new mode of green and low-carbon travel
  Keep moving forward and constantly innovate. Joining hands with Suzhou kinglong, following the commercial operation of hydrogen fuel buses, the launch of titanium powered battery overcharged buses once again demonstrates Zhangjiagang's leading position and forward-looking vision in the field of new energy transportation, and also provides new reference and guidance for the upgrading and development of new energy buses in Jiangsu Province and even the whole country.
  As the only public transportation enterprise in Zhangjiagang City, Gangcheng Bus shoulders the important mission of public transportation between urban areas, towns, and villages. For many years, the company has always adhered to the original intention and mission of serving the people, actively explored and innovated, dared to take the lead, built a closely connected public transportation network between urban and rural areas, and provided convenient, efficient, and comfortable public transportation services for the general public, becoming an important choice for citizens to travel.
  In the pursuit of green and low-carbon transportation, Hong Kong's urban public transportation is at the forefront. Since 2015, Hong Kong City Bus has launched pure electric models and currently has 120 pure electric buses. Not only that, as one of the earliest bus companies in Jiangsu Province to purchase hydrogen fuel buses, Gangcheng Bus has actively introduced Suzhou kinglong hydrogen fuel buses since 2018 and has successively laid out on multiple bus routes in Zhangjiagang, injecting strong "hydrogen power" into the development of green transportation in the city.
  To further promote the application of new energy buses, Gangcheng Bus has once again taken solid steps in 2024, successfully introducing 10 Suzhou kinglong Haige titanium power battery overcharged buses and supporting the construction of advanced intelligent charging equipment systems.
  This is undoubtedly another important node in the cooperation process between Gangcheng Bus and Suzhou kinglong, which not only demonstrates the innovative spirit of Gangcheng Bus, but also fully demonstrates Suzhou kinglong's extraordinary strength in technical research and product innovation.
  Significant advantages, titanium power showcases China's hard core strength in intelligent manufacturing
  In fact, the cooperation between Gangcheng Bus and Suzhou kinglong has a long history, and the profound foundation of cooperation stems from the high trust and tacit cooperation between both parties. It is precisely based on full trust in Suzhou kinglong that Gangcheng Bus has decided to once again "eat crab" and take the lead in launching titanium powered battery buses. So, what are the unique technological highlights of Suzhou kinglong Haige Titanium Power Battery Bus?
  It is understood that the Haige titanium power battery overcharged bus adopts an advanced charging mode, achieving a lightweight design of the battery system. While meeting the daily operation of buses, it effectively reduces the weight of the entire vehicle and reduces energy consumption. The equipped overcharged battery has excellent wide temperature adaptability, ensuring normal charging whether it is extremely cold or hot.
  Another highlight of overcharged batteries is their long lifespan. In the case of deep charging and discharging, it can withstand more than 30000 charging and discharging cycles with almost no attenuation rate. This long-life characteristic allows the battery life to far exceed the normal service life of the vehicle, which can meet the requirements for delayed use of buses. Therefore, throughout the entire lifecycle of public transportation operations, it effectively reduces subsequent operational and maintenance costs.
  Meanwhile, overcharged batteries have extremely high safety, even under extreme conditions such as drilling, cutting, and burning, they can remain stable and will not ignite or burn, ensuring efficient, reliable, and safe vehicle operation.
  Haige pure electric buses use high rate overcharged batteries with continuous 6C charging capacity, which can quickly charge from 0 to 100% in just 10 minutes, effectively eliminating the anxiety of operating mileage.   The maximum pile to vehicle ratio can reach 1:20, which not only saves charging space but also reduces the infrastructure cost of charging facilities. It is particularly suitable for public transportation enterprises that cannot achieve large-scale charging at night. Only by equipping overcharged facilities at the starting and ending points of public transportation can it adapt to public transportation operations.
  It is worth emphasizing that the Hagrid Supercharged Battery Bus adopts a pantograph charging method, which achieves convenient charging through intelligent wireless control without the need for manual operation. This not only reduces safety risks during the charging process, but also improves charging efficiency. One click operation to complete charging, achieving an intelligent and worry free charging experience.
  With the official operation of these Suzhou kinglong Haige super rechargeable battery buses, the public transportation system in Zhangjiagang City will undergo new changes and upgrades. In the future, Suzhou kinglong will continue to maintain its passion and persistence for innovation, actively respond to the country's call for green transportation, and be committed to promoting the development of the public transportation system towards higher quality, contributing more positive forces to the sustainable development of the city.
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