Instructions on Building a Strong Transportation Country

Issuance and Implementation of the Five Year Action Plan for Accelerating the Construction of a Strong Transportation Country (2023-2027)

     Recently, the Ministry of Transport, the National Railway Administration, the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the National Postal Administration, and China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. jointly issued the "Five Year Action Plan for Accelerating the Construction of a Strong Transportation Country (2023-2027)" (referred to as the "Action Plan").

The formulation and implementation of the Action Plan is a concrete action to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is an important starting point to solidly promote the implementation of the Outline for Building a Transport Powerful Country, the Outline of the National Comprehensive Three dimensional Transport Network Plan (collectively referred to as the "two outlines"), and to do a good job in linking the two five-year plans of the "14th Five Year Plan" and the "15th Five Year Plan". It is also a key measure to be a pioneer of Chinese path to modernization and take the lead in achieving transportation modernization. The Action Plan conscientiously implements the strategic deployment of the 20th      National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and combines it with the key tasks of the "Two Outlines" to propose action goals and tasks for accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country in the next five years. It is an important document guiding the acceleration of the construction of a strong transportation country.

     We will better coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, better coordinate development and security, anchor the overall goal of building a transportation power that is satisfied by the people, has strong guarantees, and is the world's leading country, continue to implement the "Two Outlines" and the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" series of transportation planning, plan to promote the transportation work during the "Fifteenth Five Year Plan" period, promote the "Three Transformations", create the "Four First Class", and build a safe, convenient, efficient, green The modern and comprehensive transportation system of the economy will effectively improve the quality and reasonably increase the quantity of transportation. We will work hard to speed up the construction of a transportation power, work hard to be a pioneer of Chinese path to modernization, and provide a strong transportation service guarantee for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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